The Virtual Training Workshop is a training package for facilitators and participants transitioning onto an online learning setting.
The package consists of a slide deck and facilitator and participant guides. The facilitator guides simplifies the slide deck, which illustrates specific computer instructions for participants to follow along in their personal guides.
Audience: Participants with moderate to low computer proficiency and conversational to fluent English speaking skills
Responsibilities: Training Developer, Facilitator
Tools Used: Powerpoint, Canva, Camtasia
Problem: Schools needed to make their services accessible over the computer. However, most of the staff were new and less than 40% felt comfortable instructing online according to employee survey.
Solution: We created an interactive slide deck, easy to follow trainer and learner guide suitable for diverse learning-types to feel confident while accessing and incorporating technology.
1 / Slide Deck (Canva/Powerpoint)
Easy accessibility
Clear, simplified vocabulary
Concise images and screenshots of platform in use
Discussion topics and check-lists
Learning material for future use
2 / Trainer & Learner Guides
Images of slides
Notes sections
Schedule Mockup
3 / Video (Camtasia)
Summarize the training
On-demand learning
Visual cues
Process & Full-Development
My primary focus was brainstorming key features to highlight in the slide deck.
Then I wrote a draft for main paragraphs and made sketches to get my ideas on paper and created a template on Canva to fill in with information and learning resources throughout the week.
I gathered visual images, wrote instructions and activities for supportive materials.
There were no preexisting materials to incorporate so I needed to meet with head teachers and supervisors a day before the workshop for approval.
Talking points for open discussion
Writing activity for planning
Video demonstration
Quick Assessment